Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act

The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act prohibits product manufacturers from conditioning consumer warranties on the use of any original equipment part or service. Furthermore, a manufacturer can only deny warranty coverage if it can demonstrate that a non-original equipment part or related service caused a defect to occur in the original product. In the case of motor vehicles, new car manufacturers have ignored these conditions outlined in Magnuson-Moss and have misled consumers to believe that they must have dealer service shops install only original equipment replacement parts or fear having their new car warranty voided.


Wireless technology and data collection are quickly becoming integral parts of today’s “connected” vehicles. These innovations have the potential to provide motorists with access to a wide range of entertainment and information services, as well as safety benefits and improved repair and maintenance. However, there are important concerns that must be addressed. For instance, who owns the vehicle data? Does the manufacturer or driver control the data? How are manufacturers using the data? Are vehicle owners made aware of data sharing when they purchase the vehicle?


The $392 billion auto care industry relies on a complex, international supply chain that ensures American drivers can obtain quality, affordable and prompt vehicle parts and service. Therefore, while the industry recognizes the need to protect U.S. manufacturing and jobs, trade barriers that inhibit the ability of domestic companies to import finished goods, components and raw materials have a negative effect on both business and the motoring public.

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